Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jammu & Kashmir Facts and Twists

Unlike most of the countries in the world, the political map of India is not unique. There is one map published by Government of India (GoI)  and then, another map shown by rest of the world. This distortion is very clear to the Indians who have been abroad. In essence, if we hypothetically consider India, to some sort of Human body, Jammu and Kashmir is like head.

The map published by GoI is with full head. The rest of the world map of India is always shown with top left & Right sides chopped off. For all those Indian kids who never had the advantage of the information age, until as recently as 10 years back, had to believe what GoI has been telling us (Indians). But the truth (as it stands) is, the rest of the world map is the true representation of what India actually controls.

In this map, not just top left but top right also gone. All these days, Indians are made to believe J&K is divided between India and Pakistan. But, the truth is the erstwhile kingdom of J&K is in fact, divided amongst India (101,338 km2 ), Pakistan (85,846 km2) and China (37,555 km2).

The recent trouble in on the Pakistan side of disputed land. We do not know when the other side troubles would escalate. The issue on Chinese side would be more severe for the fact that, the region is least densely populated part of J&K and hence it would be a direct conflict with a nation unlike the proxy war we are seeing.

It is amazing that for more than 6 six decades GoI never found time and applied serious mind to resolve this problem. We could find 1000 reasons why the problem was not settled, but still one strong reason is - settlement of Kashmir issue would be key for India's future, stability and success.

One thing is clear - for 60 years, Indian politicians never seriously thought of India's future, stability and success. Now, it looks too late!

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