Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Fall of two Leaders - Manmohan Singh & Barrack Obama

One nation is seen as a future global power. Other nation has been a global power more than 6 decades. Both the nations are often considered as greatest democracies in the world. While one country is a nation of immigrants other is a nation of hundreds of ethinicities. Yet, both the nations have thrived beyond their diversities. A journey across these two countries at any time would tell remarkable stories.

Both the countries in the name of freedom and fundamental rights suffered. Yet, both the nations have been criticised for their share of contribution to the raise of global terrorism.  New millennium started with new challenges for both the countries. While one country is trapped in the complexities and maze of internal issues other country invented problems - that pushed the entire world into the brink of financial collapse.

Both the nations have been looking at their leaders, who could lead their nations out of perennial crisis and thus make their countries a better place to live with hope and prosperity (and in turn a entire world).

One leader has been credited with rescuing a bankrupt nation in his previous avatar. Other leader, gave hope to a great nation with inspiring speeches in Presidential campaigns and entered the the most powerful office. One leader has been in office for nearly seven years but other leader has been in office for just over 18 months. Irrespective of their duration in office, both Manmohan Singh and Barrack Obama are neither a Mahatma Gandhi nor Abraham Lincoln. The underlying crisis in both these nations are so complex and deep rooted with intensely diverse opinions that, the times demand a Statesmen who have the vision for the generations not a myopic view of tomorrow.

Manmohan is a good man, and a holy cow in the highly corrupted Indian political system. He never was a political leader nor he is now. He never won an election. The fallacies of Indian democracies accommodates such leaders to reach the top of the political power. The net result is, Manmohan Singh is accountable to Mrs Sonia Gandhi - but not to the people or Parliament. Manmohan Singh was very good academic, economist and Finance Minister. But the nation realised too late - after 7 years that, such credentials and past records would not make him a great Prime Minister of India. It is a open secret in India that Dr Singh is a dummy or a proxy for the all powerful Gandhi family. He is an administrative Prime Minister with no decision making authority on any key issues. It is open secret that, Dr Singh authority does not go beyond his PMO.

The real tragedy of Dr Singh administration is in the failure on the economic front. With too many compulsions and too little room to maneuver in the coalition politics, Dr Singh administration represents India's  "lost decade" and "lost opportunities". Despite praise for the India's growth in numbers like GDP or Mobile phones etc. the fact of the matter is, India is suffers with Health, Education, Human development, caste, regional separatist movements, demand for new states, corruption, naxalism, growing religious hatred, scams, Pakistan, growing gap between rich and poor, and the list is perhaps unending. I think lesser said is good. Average Indian lost faith in their politicians, their system of democracy.  The nation is probably getting into much deeper crisis than it would have seen any time in past six decades as independent nation. Dr Singh is not a Mahatma Gandhi and the other Gandhi is still a mystery to the nation of one billion plus.

If were an American, I too would have voted to Barrack Hussain Obama, impressed by his call for a change. Young, refreshing with lot of clarity on what to do and what not to do - Obama entered Oval office, offering great hope for the United States of America. Mr President - excuse me, but "you are hopeless" is the near consensus opinion both inside and outside US.

Just in a short span of 18 months, Obama confirmed without any iota of doubt that, he is neither refreshing nor having any clue on American problems. A shocking Nobel Prize for Peace for doing nothing, Obama looks like a confused American teenager. Not knowing what to do, where to start, where to go and what to do to brind a change. But, in few months in November - nation is going to give a fitting reply to a man - who failed to change anything that would have made the nation proud. He is no more a Robin Hood of Main Street. Mr President did not change anything in the Wall Street. We are back to doing the same things that we were doing before the Wall Street crash. Fed started a business and making money from their investments of $1.3 trillions. Average American is clueless of their future. Health care, Education, Terrorism, Islam, China, Debt, Afghanistan, outsourced jobs, foreclosures and the list extends.

Obama never understood American problem. And that still remains the problem. If the problem is not understood, no solutions would work. Giving excellent speeches would not deliver results on the ground. And results from this Democratic administration are hardly visible. Surprisingly, Obama is not in the same boat as Dr Singh. Obama fought the direct elections and got absolute authority. He is answerable to American people. Yet, Obama failed to take any decisive actions. At the best he is on to micro management or fine tuning the erred system than fundamentally shaking and reinventing a new paradigm.

The bottom line is lacks two important things - vision and courage. Here, it comes as the shock since Obama promised a change and American were looking for a change. Yet, Obama struck with in the complex web of Washington politics. Obama lost the trust of American people. The simmering discontent is coming in open and no one is willing to listen to Obama.

Rahul Gandhi is being groomed and his crowing is imminent since, the opposition BJP is in chaotic state. Dr Singh would go into the records as a PM whole ruled the nation for 10 years, but delivered little. As of now, Obama chances of re-election are bleak since GoP is on rejuvenated path and, in coming months they would have enough ammunition prove, Obama is disaster for USA

Both Obama and Manmohan Singh have failed to raise to the occasion and challenges. Both could have changed the destiny of their nations. In the end, both leaders simply reflected the state of nations but, nothing else.

God bless Republic of India!
God bless United States of America!

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